Monday, June 8, 2009


Last April, my wife Ellen and I had the pleasure of driving the Pacific Coast Highway. I was on tour on the West coast, and we rented a car to drive between shows in San Francisco and Los Angeles. The road was closed due to a brush fire about 2 hours south of Monterrey, so we were able to enjoy Big Sur from both directions.

A phenomenal photographer, my wife documented our trip with her Diana camera. Unfortunately, much of the film was damaged in processing--camera places just don't do much film anymore, I guess. These are some of the few surviving shots.

You can see much more of her wonderful work on her flickr page.

Big Sur

Pacific Coast Highway

click to see the full size images

If the trip had a soundtrack, it might have sounded something like this:


  1. I could listen to this over and over and over again. It's just perfect.

  2. wow, scott--that is a beautiful song. i love the fact that is goes so perfectly the photos above of el's. such a complete capturing of a feeling.

    feeling inspired!!!


  3. wow, you are both so amazingly talented. thanks for sharing. luv, befany

  4. Simply gorgeous, both photos and music. Cooderesque with a hint of Two Lane Blacktop and a slice of lime.

  5. Thanks so much for the kind words!
