Monday, October 12, 2009

Gettin' Ready for the Kumite - A Tribute to the Martial Arts Training Montage

Is it just me, or they're always showing that Jean-Claude Van Damme movie "Bloodsport" on the dark depths of nighttime basic cable? Like so many martial arts movies, it's heavy on the flashbacks, especially the training montage where the lead actor overcomes intense pain and rigor at the hands of a stern martial arts master living alone in the country to ultimately become a badass (well, actually, in "Bloodsport," the master is a family man who takes the troubled young Van Damme in as his son--also a common theme).

Also, like so many fine action movie soundtracks from the 1980's, there's some pulsing suspense to build tension and some faux-Asian synth stylings to make sure you know it's Eastern tension. Here is my tribute to the training montage of the 1980's. As it builds, see the pieces of a young, troubled man's training come together to meet some long sought goal...
becoming a badass.

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Pure Analog Syrup - A Remix

I rode my bike this morning and the trails were beautiful. The weather has been cooling down and I'm noticing that some of leaves are just starting to change. I wrote Green Relief at the start of this year when winter was starting and I was itching for the warm Spring weather to come. Thinking about the weather swinging the other direction and the amount of precious daylight getting smaller and smaller, I listened back to it for the sake of nostalgia and I wanted to make a few changes. I took out the percussion and the piano, opting for smooth, purely electronic sounds to play up the element of "rich analog syrup" that I love in the older synths. Hope you enjoy the subtle changes.